
Ikea KLIKK Camera App Only Lets You Take One Picture – Ever!

Ikea Klikk App Lets You Take Only One Picture

If you could only take one picture what would you shoot? The Ikea KLIKK camera app gives you one chance to take a good shot then submit it to Ikea’s 2016 Art Collection where one winning will be turned into a poster to be given away at Ikea stores in Belgium. Sounds interesting but why did they call it KLIKK? Hit the jump for all the details!

Doctor Popular’s Guide To Mobile Photography

Doctor Popular's Guide To Mobile Photography

Mobile photography is one of the fastest growing trends in street photography and smart phones are replacing cameras for a lot of photographers. But with thousands of apps that all seem to do about the same thing, many new mobile shooters are wondering where to start. Doctor Popular has you covered with the essential apps you’ll need to get the most out shooting with your smart phone. Hit the jump for the videos.

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