Magnum Photos

Unexpected Images From The Spring 2021 Magnum Square Print Sale

magnum square print sale alex webb

The Magnum Square Print Sale is back for another round with signed archival prints from your favorite Magnum photographers for only $100 bucks! The theme for this sale is The Unexpected and photographers were asked to submit images that celebrate the unpredictability of life. Hit the jump to see my favorite pics from the sale!

Crossings – Magnum Square Print Sale Explores Transition And Transformation

Crossings - Magnum Square Print Sale

Summer has come and gone in North America and as the Autumn season settles upon us it can mean only one thing… it’s time for another Magnum Square Print Sale. A couple times a year Magnum has a time-limited sale where you can buy signed archival prints by your favorite Magnum photographers for only $100 bucks. Hit the jump for all the details!

I Met Magnum Photographer Larry Towell In Toronto

Magnum Photographer Larry Towell

Larry Towell spent the last 4 years photographing the restoration of Union Station (Toronto’s version of Grand Central Station) and the work is finally ready to be seen. I got to chat with Larry at the opening of his show at the Stephen Bulger Gallery in Toronto and we discussed his process as a photographer plus his personal definition of street photography. Check out the video after the jump!

Magnum Square Print Sale – Conditions Of The Heart

Time to get a head start your Xmas shopping with the latest Magnum Square Print Sale! 71 Magnum Photographers share images on the theme of “Conditions Of The Heart: On Empathy And Understanding In Photography”. Signed or estate stamped archival prints from your favorite Magnum photographers are only $100 bucks so get your credit cards ready and let the shopping begin! Hit the jump for more details!

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